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G. Cardenete Hernández, E. Abellán-Martínez, M. Arizcun-Arizcun, A. Pérez Jiménez, C. Amador, L. García-Del Moral and L.F. García Del Moral Garrido,  " Espectrorradiometría de reflectancia de fibra óptica (FORS) de tres especies marinas de interés en acuicultura: Dentex dentex, Pagrus pagrus y Umbrina cirrosa", "XIV Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura", None-None, 2013
M.D. Suarez Medina, M.I. Sáez-Casado, J.L. Guil-Guerrero, M. Arizcun , M.C. Hidalgo Jimenez, A.E. Morales Hernández and E. Abellan,  "Changes in lipid profiles in muscle of farmed shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa) after starvation and re-feeding.", "11th Euro Fed Lipid Congress", None-None, 2013
M.D. Suarez Medina, R. Ramos, M.I. Sáez-Casado, J.L. Guil-Guerrero, M. Arizcun-Arizcun, M.C. Hidalgo Jimenez, A.E. Morales Hernández, E. Abellán-Martínez and G. Cardenete Hernández,  "Changes in lipid profiles in muscle of farmed shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa) after starvation and re-feeding.", "11th Euro Fed Lipid Congress", None-None, 2013
C. Lopez-Chaves, C. Sánchez-González, C.E. Trenzado Romero, L. Vera-Ramírez, P. Aranda Ramírez, M. Montes-Bayon and J. Llopis González,  "EFFECT OF VANADIUM ON THE OXIDATIVE STATUS OF DIABETIC RATS", "IUNS (International Union of Nutritional Sciences) 20th International Congress of Nutrition", None-None, 2013
A. Sanz Rus "Digestive enzyme activity and trophic behavior in two predator aquatic insects (Plecoptera, Perlidae). XVII International Symposium on Plecoptera and XIII International Conference on Ephemeroptera. Wakayama (Japón), 3-9 de junio de 2012", "Digestive enzyme activity and trophic behavior in two predator aquatic insects (Plecoptera, Perlidae). ", None-None, 2012
A. Sanz Rus "Study of the effect on oxidative stress in Oreochromis nilotica fed on insect meal based diets. XV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. June 4-7, 2012 Molde, Norway.", "Study of the effect on oxidative stress in Oreochromis nilotica fed on insect meal based diets. ", None-None, 2012
S. Reguera Panizo, F.J. Zamora Camacho, C.E. Trenzado Romero, A. Sanz-Rus and G. Moreno Rueda,  "Variación en la respuesta de estrés oxidativo en Psammodromus algirus en un gradiente altitudinal en Sierra Nevada (SE Península Ibérica).", "XII CONGRESO LUSO-ESPAÑOL DE HERPETOLOGÍA / XVI CONGRESO ESPAÑOL DE HERPETOLOGÍA. ", None-None, 2012
S. Villareces, C. De Haro-Domínguez, M. Furné-Castillo, C.E. Trenzado Romero, A. Sanz-Rus, M.J. Sánchez-Muros Lozano and F.R.|.B.Y.G.U. García-Barroso,  "Study of the effect on oxidative stress in Oreochromis nilotica fed on insect meal based diets.", "XV INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FISH NUTRITION AND FEEDING", None-None, 2012

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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