@Article{ TRENZADO_Hidalgo_Villanueva_Furné-Castillo_Díaz_Merino_Sanz-Rus:174-180,

author = { CRISTINA ELENA TRENZADO ROMERO and Félix Hidalgo Puertas and David Villanueva and Miriam Furné-Castillo and María Elena Díaz Casado and Rosa Merino and Ana Sanz-Rus } ,

title = { Study of the enzymatic digestive profile in three species of Mediterranean sea urchins. },

journal = { Aquaculture },

year = { 2012 },

volume = { 344-349 },

pages = { 174-180 },

doi = { http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2012.03.027 },
